
Showing posts from May 13, 2021

Friday is here! Chin up and finish off the week in a nice mood!

  Happy - Pharrel Williams Minions Happy Friday everyone! Let´s finish off the week on a high note! 👌😀 Choose your favourite topic or learning area from this week. Click on the following link and vote for your top one! Which one have you enjoyed the most?  Mentimeter - Ranking of this week

Daily routine - 3rd person singular S / ES / IES (Writing)

Do the -S / -ES / -IES make you go crazy? I challenge you to complete today´s crazy daily routine.  Watch thevideo   Mr Bean Crazy Daily Routine  and complete the sequence in the following  timeline:   Padlet - A crazy day in Mr Bean´s life . Once you finish, try to get into the Hall of Fame. I can´t wait to see your names in the leaderboard!  3rd person singular HALL OF FAME

Welcome wonderful English adventurers!

 Hi everyone!  As part of our first adventure, I would like you to answer the following question: How are you feeling today? 😊😡😟😔😖 Check the link below Inside Out characters - feelings     and tell us which character from the movie "Inside Out" you can relate more with and why in  Jamboard .