Friday is here! Chin up and finish off the week in a nice mood!


Happy Friday everyone! Let´s finish off the week on a high note! 👌😀

Choose your favourite topic or learning area from this week. Click on the following link and vote for your top one! Which one have you enjoyed the most? 


  1. Hi Ana! You have chosen a brilliant tool to know how the students react to the activities a teacher has picked up. I think it is a brilliant idea to auto evaluate ourselves as teachers and determine the real interests of our pupils. I think I will use it from now on. Thank you for sharing. Great idea!

    1. Thanks Trishab! There is no teaching without learning and the other way round, I agree! Both teachers and learners must live within an ongoing reflection about our learning and teaching process, so we can make the necessary adjustments to best respond to our learners´needs. Glad you liked it! This got me thinking that you may want to try the "Word Cloud" template in Mentimeter as you end up with a visual template of ideas/feedback from your learners. It is also a great one to run a brainstorm and assess your learners´prior learning when you are about to introduce a new topic. You could run it again at the end of the topic, to assess what they have learnt and how their thoughts had changed about it during the learning process. Let me know how you find it if you end up using it!


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