Digraphs: SH & CH- Reading

Hi teachers out there! How do you develop reading skills with digraphs? How do you introduce them? Here you have a few ideas that you may find useful to help your students become more confident when coming across these two digraphs in their reading activities. First - Remind them about the term digraph (2 graphemes together which represent a unique phoneme). Help them differentiate between digraphs and individual letter sound with the following video; it encourages learners to think of digraphs as teamwork SH vs CH Teams - Alphablocks (until 2:15'). Second - Make the learning meaningful to them, linked to the meaning of words. Third - Read the following stories Stories with words which contain SH and CH digraphs. and ask your learners to identify and highlight the words with the digraphs: sh and ch. Fourth - Search for the invisible sh and ch words. Write the words with the sh and ch digraphs that appear in ...