
Digraphs: SH & CH- Reading

Hi teachers out there!  How do you develop reading skills with digraphs? How do you introduce them?  Here you have a few ideas that you may find useful to help your students become more confident when coming across these two digraphs in their reading activities.  First - Remind them about the term digraph (2 graphemes together which represent a unique phoneme). Help them differentiate between digraphs and individual letter sound with the following video; it encourages learners to think of digraphs as teamwork   SH vs CH Teams - Alphablocks  (until 2:15').  Second - Make the learning meaningful to them, linked to the meaning of words.  Third - Read the following stories   Stories with words which contain SH and CH digraphs.  and ask your learners to identify and highlight the words with the digraphs: sh and ch.  Fourth - Search for the invisible sh and ch words. Write the words  with the sh and ch digraphs that appear in ...

Should parents ever lie to children? - Listening

Listen to the following audio  B BC Should parents ever lie  to children?  and make sure you answer the questions in  Genially Once you finish, access the corkboard to leave, at least, 2 examples of white lies you may have told your parents, friends or that they may have told you.  Extra workers: explain why do you think the white lie was necessary. 

"Walk the extra mile"

Afternoon jelly beans! Just wanted to give you a shout about the new section created on the display button, top left hand side of the blog. Click on it to access all sort of information related to Cambridge Exams (levels, tests, dates, etc.), E.O.I. (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas) . I am aware that most of you might be interested in attending an English academy to take your English to the next level, and so I thought you may find the links quite useful.  There is also access to the Oxford Owl website, where you can access plenty of FREE eBooks to develop your reading skills, browse books by age and download resources regarding other subject areas, such as Maths or Science. You will also find a section to access BBC English and Jolly Phonics reading programme. Where do I start? Try checking out The sonbirds collection by Julia Donaldson and her storytelling area:  Jullia Donaldson storyteller


If you are not killing it as a parent, you WILL pretty soon 👌😉 There are a few things that you may want to be aware of as they might end up being extremely USEFUL for your kids language learning journey.

The best job in the world! - Speaking

Occupations:   Elli puts her virtual reality glasses on and she goes off on an adventure. Would you like to join her?  What to do?  1. Watch the following video to find out about Elli´s experience:  BBC The best job in the world . 2. Answer the following questions and record your answers here: .      - What are the jobs Elli experienced during her virtual reality "visits"?      - Which one is, according to HER, the best job in the world?      - Which one is, according to YOU, the best job in the world? Why? Provide 2 reasons.  Follow the example provided underneath. You will need to use a QR reader to access it. Share your recorded answers in the comments sections (remember to copy and paste the code from Vocaroo). I can´t wait to hear your answers🙌

Friday is here! Chin up and finish off the week in a nice mood!

  Happy - Pharrel Williams Minions Happy Friday everyone! Let´s finish off the week on a high note! 👌😀 Choose your favourite topic or learning area from this week. Click on the following link and vote for your top one! Which one have you enjoyed the most?  Mentimeter - Ranking of this week

Daily routine - 3rd person singular S / ES / IES (Writing)

Do the -S / -ES / -IES make you go crazy? I challenge you to complete today´s crazy daily routine.  Watch thevideo   Mr Bean Crazy Daily Routine  and complete the sequence in the following  timeline:   Padlet - A crazy day in Mr Bean´s life . Once you finish, try to get into the Hall of Fame. I can´t wait to see your names in the leaderboard!  3rd person singular HALL OF FAME